Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thing #11 Finding Good Feeds

So.  As previously mentioned in Thing #10 - Feedly is pretty much my favorite RSS feed finder.  Obviously, with my lack of experience, my horizons may broaden and my scope will expand...but not with the links from this section.  I felt that I was searching with Google pretty much with all of them.  Not as interesting as the sectioned out, categorized, and identifiable Feedly account with which I am rabidly becoming addicted.  I will say that I ventured into Technorati and then ventured back out.  I am at a loss as to the visual chaos that awaits there.  I guess I may have sensitive eyes but I just don't do well in a space with too much on a little screen.

Obviously, I have much adventuring to do as I continue on my RSS feeds journey.  I will say that when I was in the other feed sites, there were more unknown sites to me than known.  So.  I will say that I will further explore and hope to come to enlightenment.

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